Sussex Concerts

Concert Details

Title: Vivaldi to Venice
Performed by: Counterpoint Arts
Time: Saturday, 13 April 2013, at 7:30pm
Place: St Saviour’s & St Peter’s Church, Eastbourne
Description: The Aanna Colls Singers and string orchestra are giving a pre Venice Tour Concert in support of The Friends of Eastbourne District Hospital.
The Programme spans the centuries from Vivaldi, Palestrina, Verdi and Faure to the contemporary composers Ola Gjeilo, Morten Lauridsen and Aanna Colls, concluding with her new work, commissioned for the Vivaldi Festival, 'The Four Seasons - a Choral tribute to Vivaldi'.
Tickets: £15 from the website www.aannacolls and Rosemary Morris 01323833706

and from Debbie Wicks: and 01323 438236
Contact: Rosemary Morris

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