Sussex Concerts

Concert Details

Title: Christmas Concert - O Magnum Mysterium
Performed by: Renaissance Choir
Time: Saturday, 16 December 2006, at 7:30pm
Place: St Paul’s Church, Chichester
Description: A cappella motets on the theme of O Magnum Mysterium by Lauridsen, Byrd, Palestrina, Victoria, Haendl and Palestrina. Seasonal favourites by Howells, Warlock and Leighton.

Conducted by Adrian Taylor

All proceeds towards St Pauls Church refurbishment
Tickets: £7, £5 (concessions), £2 (students).
Available from Bastows Classics, 50a North Street, Chichester; the Parish Office, St Pauls Church; by phoning 023 9278 9546; and on the door.
Contact: Renaissance Choir

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