Sussex Concerts

Concert Details

Title: International Concert
Performed by: Sir Robert Woodard Academy Performing Arts
Promoted by: Sir Robert Woodard Academy Performing Arts
Time: Thursday, 27 May 2010, at 7:30pm
Place: Assembly Hall, Worthing
Description: Over 150 musicians from England and Germany will join together for a spectacular evening of music in Worthing. The international concert takes place on Thursday 27th May at the Assembly Hall, Worthing and features Das Jugendblasorchester and GSG Big Band from Worthing’s twin town of Waldkirch in the Black Forest region of Germany. Joining them for the evening will be the Northbrook Community Concert Band and Sir Robert Woodard Academy Band.
Tickets: Adults £5, Concessions £4 available from the Worthing Theatres Box Office 01903 206206
Contact: Ian Tout

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