Sussex Concerts

Concert Details

Title: Come and Sing! Tallis' Spem in Alium
Performed by: Crowborough Baroque Festival Chorus
Time: Saturday, 21 September 2002, at 7:30pm
Place: All Saints’ Church, Crowborough
Description: Come and join the Crowborough Baroque Festival Chorus for an exciting day of music-making.

Thomas Tallis' forty part motet "Spem in alium nunquam habui", is rarely performed

Registration at 10:30 is followed by a warm-up with professional singer Graham Trew, Gentleman of the Chapel Royal at 11am. Rehearsals and workshops (and refreshments!) will take us through to our evening concert at 7pm which also features:

- James Bowman, counter-tenor
and local early music ensemble Crowborough Baroque.
- The Crowborough Barouqe Festival Chorus (ie yourself) singing Spem in Alium and other works. Conducted by Geoffrey Silver.
Contact: Wendy Veasey

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