Sussex Concerts

Concert Details

Title: Henry Purcell: Funeral Music for Queen Mary
Performed by: BREMF Community Choir
Promoted by: Brighton Early Music Festival
Time: Thursday, 3 April 2014, at 4:30pm
Place: Brighton & Hove Junior School, Brighton
Description: The Brighton Early Music Festival (BREMF) Community Choir will be joining forces with three local primary schools and a professional Brass Quartet - Il Nuovo Chiaroscuro - performing Henry Purcell’s Funeral Music for Queen Mary.
Instrumental music by English composer Matthew Locke and Venetian composer Giovanni Gabrieli will also be played.The Musical Director is Andrew Robinson and Assistant Conductor is Joe Paxton, continuo organist Nick Houghton.
Proceeds from the concert are being donated to Music For Youth, a national music education charity that provides free access to performance and audience opportunities for young musicians.
Tickets: £10, £5 (concessions) available from
Contact: Kat Carson

Website by Fonant.