Sussex Concerts

Concert Details

Title: The Crucifixion - Come & Sing performance of John Stainer's Oratorio
Promoted by: St Mary's Church, Kemp Town, Brighton
Time: Wednesday, 28 March 2018, at 7:00pm
Place: St Mary's Church, Brighton
Description: St Mary's traditional 'come and sing' performance of John Stainer's oratorio The Crucifixion (1887) is conducted by Gregory Moore with soloists Andrew Mackenzie Wicks, tenor and David Gwesyn Smith, bass and Andrew Beaizley playing our beautiful Victorian pipe organ.
If you would like to sing with the choir, the rehearsal begins at 4.30pm. Please bring a score if you have one, though we will have spares.
The performance is at 7 pm and entry is free and open to all. We will be serving refreshments for the choir after rehearsal and for everybody after the performance.
Tickets: Free, with a retiring collection to help meet the costs of the performance.
Contact: Katherine Prior

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